Energy Trading

Trade smarter with bespoke prices, fast reporting, asset control and dispatch, Ancillary Services bid management for hedging and revenue generation.

Maximise revenue opportunities

The Evergen platform uses optimisation to reduce the cost to serve and to maximise revenue opportunities on wholesale markets.

A Virtual Power Plant is like a gas peaker, but instead of having fuel flowing in to a power plant, you have household consumption. Our platform can optimise individual households to use lower-cost electricity. It’s like reducing the cost of the fuel that goes into a conventional generator. At the same time, we can optimise the output so that you’re getting the best prices for the electricity you’re generating.

Smart bidding

Delivers optimisation and bidding functionality.


Highly flexible asset control, allowing traders to use assets for desired hedges against the market.

Multi data streams

Accepts external streams of market data, allowing optimised hedging against highly specific risks.


Report generation with actual, forecast and reconciliation data going to finance and back-office teams, to support straight-through processing.